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Optoelectronic Science: Optoelectronics Optical Communication and Optical Networks Fiber optic communication and systems Optoelectronic Measurement and Control and Optoelectronic Sensing Engineering Optics Principles and Applications of Laser Optical storage and display technology spectroscopy Electronic Circuits and Technology Optoelectronic devices Optoelectronic signal processing Solar cell Photovoltaic technology Optical Information Processing Technology and Applications electromagnetic wave optical vortices Electronic technology: power electronic technology Variable flow technology Electronic device equipment Electronic signal Power Electronics and Power Transmission Giant Area Microelectronics Digital Electronics and Electronic Information Engineering Adaptive signal processing Advanced Electromagnetics MEMS component technology Electronic system level design Electronics and Nanoelectronics Epitaxial and light-emitting diodes Fiber optic and fiber optic equipment Three dimensional semiconductor device technology Circuit Analysis and Design Microelectronics Science and Engineering Advanced Electromagnetics Communication electronic circuits Integrated Circuit Design and Integrated Systems Physics of Microwave Photon Devices integrated optics Micro/nano systems and networks digital signal processing Automation Engineering: Mechatronics integration Robotics New type of motor and its intelligent control technology Automation technology Embedded system Advanced Robots and Control Methods Industrial Robots and Their Applications Theory and Technology of Unmanned Systems Multi Agent Systems and Distributed Control Industrial Process Modeling, Optimization, and Control Intelligent Manufacturing and Industrial Artificial Intelligence Industrial Automation and Control Systems The application of automation in specific industries Sensor and actuator technology Automation software and information systems Control, automation, and diagnostics Mechanical automation

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